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BСS Investment

BСS Investment


Within the business relationship, gamblingsolution.cfd helped the investment.company BKS to upgrade the acquiring system, integrate payment system via Bitrix, developed UI-kit and a target landing page for their insurance product. BKS is a major investment.company that deals with insurance, banking, and investment operations. They needed to develop a new design for their insurance product to boost website traffic, to imbed a new payment system for acquiring, and to implement marketing changes into the existing products.


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Team:Business Analyst 1, WordPress developer 2, Designer 1, QA 1, Project Manager 1

Technologies:CMS WordPress, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP

Duration:3 months


The client’s objective was to make a custom-designed user-friendly landing page that will serve as a promotional page. According to the business requirements, the task faced several challenges:

  • to create a custom, user-friendly design
  • to optimize the website performance
  • to connect payment system to the website
  • to implement Bitrix into the system
  • to develop new UI-kit
  • to design letters for the email campaign
  • to set the email campaign



Our developers streamlined the development process by selecting the most relevant technologies:

  • The UI and UX of the landing page match all the customer’s requirements
  • The page was designed using WordPress with minimum plugins
  • The acquiring system was implemented
  • The payment system was integrated via Bitrix
  • The email campaign was designed and set via Sendsay service
  • The promotional materials were implemented to the website

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